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Create Patient


In this section you will learn how to create a new patient in Telemedi using the API. This is the first of the steps you need to take before scheduling a consultation.

The patient object is one of the basic elements that are used on the platform. The identifier of this object is a string in the form of uuid. We will use it later when referring to consultation endpoints and uploading medical records.

How to create a new Patient over the API

Request Body

const body = {
"gender": "number", // 0 -> 0: FEMALE, 1 - MALE
"birthDate": "string", // "1951-09-18" -> The date of birth should correspond to the PESEL number.
"pesel": "string", // "51091845515"
"phoneNumber": "string", // "+48111222333" - The phone number should include the area code.
"firstName": "string", // "Beata"
"lastName": "string", // "Gruca"
"email": "string",
"address": {
"postalCode": "string", // "12-312"
"street": "string", // "Marszałkowska"
"houseNumber": "string", // "13"
"apartmentNumber": "string", // "15"
"city": "string" // "Warszawa"
"mailingAgree": "boolean", // true
"termsAccepted": "boolean", // true
"plainPassword": "string", // "Password12345#"
"generatePassword": "boolean", // false
"confirmDuplicateEmail": "boolean", // false
"locale": "string" // "pl"


fetch('', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify(body)
.then(response => response.json())
.then(response => console.log(response))


"id": "string", // "a45dee91-e628-4a30-bf8d-13f24aa469e3"
"phone_national_number": "string", // "111222333"
"phone_country": "string", // "PL"
"phone_country_code": "number", // 48
"diseases": [],
"username": "string", // "89027376"
"email": "string",
"first_name": "string", // Beata
"last_name": "string", // Gruca
"gender": "number", // 0 -> 0: FEMALE, 1 - MALE
"address": {
"id": "string", // "a45dee91-e628-4a30-bf8d-13f24aa469e3"
"street": "string", // "Marszałkowska"
"house_number": "string", // "13"
"apartment_number": "string", // "12"
"postal_code": "string", // "12-312"
"city": "string", // "Warszawa"
"country": null
"pesel": "string", // "51091845515"
"birth_date": "string", // "1951-09-18"
"terms_accepted": "boolean", // true
"medical_document_agree": "boolean", // true
"nationality": "string", // "PL"
"mailing_agree": "boolean", // true
"phone_agree": "boolean", // false
"passport_number": null,
"passport_country": null,
"parent_first_name": null,
"parent_last_name": null,
"parent_address": null,
"parent_pesel": null,
"default_timezone": "string", // "Europe/Warsaw"
"force_change_password": "boolean", // false
"identity_number": null,
"doctor_signature": null,
"weight": null,
"height": null,
"pozInterested": "boolean", // false
"doctor_penalty_notify": "boolean", // true
"identity_document_type": null,
"identity_document_country_issuer": null,
"user_parent": null,
"username_in_fusion_auth": "string" // "51091845515"